Saturday, September 11, 2021

We Remember {9/11}

 20 years have passed, but the date 9/11 will be remembered forever.

I can still remember exactly where I was during that horrible moment. I had just moved to Atlanta in July 2001 and had just started a job with Jeff's real estate compant, The Zac Team. I was in the office, and we spent the entire day in front of the TV screen.

Where were you?

We Remember, y'all!


  1. I was living and working in NYC at the time. I could see the smoke from my office in midtown. I'll never forget how terrified I was on that day.

  2. I was watching Good Morning American and talking to my little mother on the phone and saw it happening!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  3. Dan and I were watching NBC and having coffee at the table. All of a sudden Couric and Lauer were up on the rooftop bringing some disturbing news. Little did we know just how disturbing and awful it was going to be.

  4. Yes, I remember very well where I was when I realized an airplane had crashed into the first World Trade Center building! I was just about to turn off the television before heading out my elementary classroom door to bring my class back from their art instruction! Well, I had to turn it off and proceed through the day as though it was a normal day. The classroom computer became my link to what was happening.


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