
Thursday, December 10, 2020

It's Christmas Time {Christmas Memories}

 I love to look back at old photos especially at Christmas time. These two photos pop-up in my Facebook memories each and every December. I just love them. You can also notice that my love affair with plaid fashions started from a very young age. #madforplaid

Also, the second photo sums up how much my sister has always despised taking photos. She cried for most, if not all photos, for the majority of her childhood. I used to get so embarrassed by her behavior. I'm certain I would simply roll my eyes, a trait I learned long ago. The trait still comes in handy today.

2020 It's Christmas Time posts:

Christmas Memories, y'all!


  1. Good evening, Ron! I just love those pictures--great memories! So priceless! Have a great evening! xoxo

  2. I always hated my picture being taken. Still do. I have to side with your sister on this issue. That look on your face as the long suffering brother is priceless! Thanks for sharing!

  3. This cracks me up on so many levels! Have a great weekend.

  4. Those are adorable pics! There’s a photo of my trying to wrangle my way from Santa! I love the old photos too! Cheers to the past!


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