
Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

 In this time of COVID and 2020, there are lots that I give thanks for this Thanksgiving. I am thankful for my happiness, my health, and my loved ones.

I am hoping that you and yours practice safety this Thanksgiving and remain healthy for years to come.

Wear your mask, folks!

Happy Thanksgiving, y'all!


  1. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours! This truly has been an awful year. On top of the virus and the results of it , we've all had struggles that we would have probably dealt with had that nasty bug not reared its ugly head. I'm thinking that the only thing most can be thankful for is " Well, at least we didn't get it!" But my beat down pessimistic side says ' Oh, but this year ain't over yet!" However, my normally positive side says " Bring it on ! I can take it!" I just pray that the devil doesn't try to test my positive side. Even if he does, the good Lord is right there with me. Hey! I feel better already. Pass the turkey, please! Don't forget the cranberry sauce! Have a blessed day.

  2. Good morning, Ron! Happy belated Thanksgiving! We are in Pass Christian until Monday and celebrated Thanksgiving with Zach’s family yesterday. I hope you and Jeff had a great day. I am so over COVID and 2020, as I’m sure you are. Enjoy the rest of your week off. I’m sure you are decorating for Christmas! Can’t wait to see your blogs! Xoxo


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