
Tuesday, September 15, 2020

In the Garden {Coleus}

 I love planting coleus plants in the period between August and November. The colors work so well with the warmer colors of Fall. Now, if only we could experience some cooler weather. Here is my front garden today:

It looks like Hurricane Sally has continued to move east towards the border of Mississippi and Alabama. Though I do not wish the hurricane on anyone, I am happy south Louisiana was spared once again.

Prayers for those affected by Sally.

Coleus, y'all!


  1. Good morning, Ron! I love Coleuses--your front garden and beds look great, as usual! I'm with you--I am praying for those affected by Hurricane Sally! We, once again, dodged the bullet. Have a great day! xoxo

  2. Wow the coleus does look great. It’s a nice plant always full of color! So glad you’re being missed by the hurricane!

  3. What a fantastically green garden you have! I love coleus and grew it when I lived in the States but don't find much of it here in New Zealand.

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