
Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Two Thumbs Up {Emoji: Classroom Theme}

 As many of you know, I am in my eleventh year teaching 6th, 7th, and 8th grade science at an ISAS school in Lakeview, New Orleans (It is actually my 31st year in education.) Each year I come up with a different theme. This school year the theme is inspired by the HAPPY emojis and is incorporated in many of my boards and displays. "Thumbs Up", "Be Cool", and "Do Science" are the phrases I've used to carry the emoji theme. The star of the show is the mascot designed especially for me featuring an emoji donning goggles and a bubbling test tube.

Here is how the emojis are used throughout my classroom, in the hallway, and beyond:

Come on in...

In the hallway...

Prayers for a healthy and safe year!

Thumbs Up, y'all!


  1. I would have loved to have had you for a teacher, Ron. I hope your students realize how lucky they are!

  2. You always do such a great job of decorating your classrooms and hallways ~ I would have loved having you as a science teacher!!!

  3. Good morning, Ron! You always do an amazing job of decorating your hallway and classroom, but I think this is my favorite yet! So fun and so clever! I spied your mask--love it! Your students are so lucky to have such a creative and energetic teacher like you--I'm sure they will love the theme when they come to school tomorrow! Have a great day! xoxo

  4. So proud of you for being back in the classroom. The students need familiarity and stability right now. Your happy-happy classroom is good for the soul. Praying you'll be healthy and strong. - Leslie Anne

  5. What a wonderful, inspiring classroom, Ron!! Who wouldnt be all-in? Who wouldnt be psyched to learn? Have a great year. 💚

  6. From one teacher to another--Ron you are a fabulous teacher. I bet those students can't wait to be part of your class. Have a great year.

  7. Good Luck !!! I hope all goes well in the school / classroon with covid-19 and that your school doesn't have a huge outbreak. School just north of my area (GA) had to shut down within 4 days of opening as so many began testing positive immediately. STAY SAFE.

  8. You are a marvelous teacher Ron...bless your heart! Great job!!!!


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