
Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Hurricane Laura

 Thanks to my out-of-state friends for thinking and praying for J and I during the recent hurricanes. Hurricane Marco fizzled, and the strong Hurricane Laura is on her way to the west of us towards the Louisiana/Texas borders. Prayers and thoughts to everyone in Laura's path.

Though we cannot breathe a sigh of relief until Laura hits land, it looks like at this time we will only get winds and rains. I have been off of school all week and supposed to return on Thursday.

I cannot get this song out of my head. 80s friends, do you remember this one????

Hurricane Laura, y'all!


  1. Praying for you, please be safe and well.


  2. Praying for you and J that you stay safe. I tell ya between the virus and now you guys with hurricanes. Just seems like stress will never end. Stay safe.

  3. Good evening, Ron! Whew, we dodged two potential "bullets"! Marco did fizzle out, but Laura was a monster storm! We left yesterday for Pass Christian until Sunday, and we have been getting a few feeder bands all the way over here. I love the song--it made me chuckle, and now, I can't stop singing it! Glad that you and J are safe as the rest of us in SE Louisiana. We may not be so lucky the next time! Have a great evening! xoxo


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