
Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Dixie Delights features Acorn Cottage Uptown

I love when my bestie is able to feature my home on her popular blog, Dixie Delights. If you do not already follow Ananda's blog, please give her some love. During her recent visit here for the Mardi Gras season, Amanda was able to take some shots around the home. Remember the house is donned in the spirited colors purple, green, and gold, the official colors of Mardi Gras. I hope you will enjoy this tour.

To link to the complete home tour, click HERE!

Thanks, Dixie Delights!

Acorn Cottage Home Tour, y'all!


  1. Excited! Heading over now for the complete. Love your cottage and style, Ron!

  2. I love your house so much! I wish I could see all of your sources for fabrics, pillows and art... outstanding. Gayle

    1. Gayle,
      I promise I will do a full house tour with sources really soon. I am overdue, I know.

  3. Hopped over from Amanda's blog....I am curious on how you attached the oyster pictures in the gold frame to your bookcases. I would love to copy that in my own home. Beautiful pics and it made my hubby homesick for LA, where he was born.

    1. I used velcro command strip for hanging frames. Here's the link:
      Thanks, Ron

  4. Wow Ron that was great! I enjoyed seeing your home through her eyes. She took pics from a different perspective and showed off a few elements I haven't seen! You sure did a good job on your home!

  5. Loved the tour. It was nice seeing it all. I'm in love with all the chandelier choices. Everything is so well done and pulled together.


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