
Saturday, February 22, 2020

Let the Good Times Roll {Muses Shoes}

One of my favorite parades, Muses, trekked through the streets of Uptown after being cancelled Thursday night due to high winds. Though the parade zoomed by without bands and marching groups, J & I secured another NINE, yes NINE Muses shoes to add to our ever-growing collection. The Muses shoe is the most coveted treasure one could acquire from the float.

Here are my 2020 shoes:

For the debut parade in 2001, Muses charter member Nicola Wolf came up with the idea of decorating a few shoes as mementos to give to her friends.  Embellishments were modest, and she made only eight or so shoes.  The following year, inspired by Wolf’s creation, a number of Krewe members adopted the practice, and the enthusiasm for the custom-made throw grew in popularity among members and parade goers alike until, in 2005, nearly the entire Krewe of more than six hundred women crafted and distributed glitter-covered shoes of astonishing inventiveness and variety.

Thanks to the generous ladies of Muses!

2020 Mardi Gras posts:

Muses Shoes, y'all!


  1. Wow, Ron, that's a lot of shoes! How fun that crazy scene must've been. They're awesome!

  2. Good morning, Ron! You and J scored on those shoes. They are beautiful! Your collection is growing! Have a great day! xoxo!

  3. Well you did alright! Those are some fancy well decorated shoes!


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