
Saturday, February 29, 2020

J'adore {Demijohns}

It's no secret that I love to collect time worn objects and natural curiosities. It's also no secret that I love to incorporate these objects in my decor. Demijohns are one of my favorite items and was stoked when I came across the blue-hued one recently. Yes! I has to add it to my collection. I love the way light goes through them and changes the color at various times of the day. Placing each on clear pedestals gives a more professional look. The blue demijohn was added to the living room, while my green one fits perfectly in the sunroom. Simple and elegant, the glass demijohns are perfect accents to each room.

Demijohn originally referred to any glass vessel with a large body and small neck, enclosed in wickerwork. The word presumably comes from the French dame-jeanne, literally "Lady Jane", as a popular appellation; this word is first attested in France in the 17th century.

Demijohns, y'all!


  1. Good morning, Ron! Love your new blue demijohn--it looks great in the living room--just the right decorative touch. Have a great day! xoxo P.S. 8 days until the special day we share!

  2. Those look gorgeous, especially how you've styled them.

  3. J'dore demijohns too. That blue is beautiful and such a unique color. Love it.

  4. Love the new blue one Ron. So pretty. Have a good week.


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