
Sunday, November 10, 2019

November Plantings {Pansies & Snapdragons}

With the days and nights getting cooler here in south Louisiana, I replaced my front plantings with white pansies and snapdragons, two plants that are perfect for the cooler months. I love white blooms because they look great in both day and night and never clash with my seasonal decor.

Thanks again to our local Perino's Nursery for their excellent selection of blooms.

Pansies and Snaps, y'all!


  1. Beautiful, Ron! I always loved pansies after the fall cleanup. They overwinter so well and have your garden looking spiffy through early spring.

  2. Good morning, Ron! I love pansies--they do so well in the winter and definitely keep blooming to bring in the spring. Snap dragons remind me of my grandmother--she always planted them on the side of her house. Have a great day! xoxo


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