
Monday, September 23, 2019

Late Summer/ Early Fall Garden {Coleus Plants}

My begonias were looking quite leggy, so out they went. In their place went several coleus plants surrounding by white vincas. The color of the coleus plants will be perfect for the months of October and November. They will then be replaced by white pansies, a favorite of mine in the winter months.

Scientific namePlectranthus scutellarioides

The coleus plants are looking great in the front garden.

Coleus, y'all!


  1. Hi Ron,
    It is amazing how much your newly planted garden has taken off so nicely. Your garden beds look like they have been there for years. Beautiful.
    Happy New Week.

    1. Thanks, Kris! Have you experienced cooler weather?

  2. Good morning, Ron! I agree with Junkchiccottage--your front garden beds look like they have been there for years! Love the color of the coleus plants--so beautiful and vibrant! Have a great day! xoxo

  3. That looks fantastic! Coleus is a great plant- full of color. It’s so interesting to me to see what people can plant late in the season. Up here I’m enjoying some pansies but they won’t make the winter.

    1. I will plant pansies in November. They make it all through winter.


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