
Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Snap Chat

I saw this meme on facebook this morning and had to chuckle. I remember the days sitting under the carport with my Me-Me and Pappy snapping green beans and shucking corn. Most kids today have no idea that "snap chat" existed long before the technologies of modern times.This meme really brings me back to the simpler times with my grandparents. What great memories!

Snap Chat, y'all!


  1. I remember doing that with my grandmother,too,Ron. She always wore an apron and had those round pink wintergreen candies in her pocket that she would slip to me. Great memories. xo Diana
    ps- By the way, great picture of you on your sidebar.

  2. Good morning, Ron! This is too funny! Thanks for the memories of simpler times! Have a great day! xoxo

  3. Ah yes I do remember my grandmother doing this! Time’s sure have changed. It’s up to us to help carry on!


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