
Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Late Bloomers?

I was so excited when the white wedding hydrangeas were planted into the landscaping last Fall. The hydrangeas were very late to green, not greening until late May after all leaves had fallen this winter. I'm just wondering why there are no blooms to date this summer. Are the blooms late too? 

Any advice?

I have contacted the landscaper who put them in, and he referred me to the local nursery. I will try and get there this week.

On a side note, the begonias have bloomed beautifully.

Late-bloomers, y'all!


  1. I looked it up and it says they are a spring bloomer. I would guess they just need to get established and next year they should bloom.

  2. Good morning, Ron! I'm sorry that your hydrangeas haven't bloomed yet. I know how disappointed you must be. I don't have any insight on this because I surely don't have a "green thumb." I hope you get some answers soon! Have a great day! xoxo

  3. Do they bloom on old wood or new wood? That determines pruning and new blooms. One year or old plants? A lot of factors involved in blooming.

  4. Were they pruned? Sounds as though all of the would-be blooms were cut off. My husband pruned ours at the wrong time of year & we had no blooms that next spring. I don't think they should be pruned at all; i KNOW crepe myrtle shouldn't be.

  5. mine are not blooming yet however i live up north[way up]and we had a crazy spring hope yours and mine do bloom

  6. They'll probably bloom in the spring. Hydrangeas are funny about trimming.


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