
Thursday, May 16, 2019

Lucky 7

I love when the countdown gets to single digits...

7 DAYS...
You know an 🐊 doesn’t CRY, but do I see something in your EYE?

7 days to geaux until MY summer!

Countdown to the end, y'all!


  1. Wow-I forgot that you get out of school so early. We have several more weeks of school here yet. Countdown is you ARE excited!!!! xo Diana

  2. Good afternoon, Ron! I know how excited you are that school is almost over! I'm sure you and J have a trip planned to begin the summer, or you are going to GI to celebrate the Memorial Day weekend! Have a great weekend! xoxo

  3. School....I remember those days~ BARELY! HAHA....these days I count to vacation. My most fun count down was for retirement! Have a great summer.


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