
Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Spring Blooms {Begonias and Caladiums}

I just love springtime temperatures and blooms. Our garden was recently planted with begonias (Wax white) and caladiums in white. The caladiums are the white Christmas variety.

In a few days, mulch will be added to the beds, and this will serve us well until fall.

What do you plant in your gardens for the spring?

White blooms, y'all!


  1. This looks so pretty Ron. The front of the cottage is looking so pretty for Spring and Summer. I bet your neighbors are loving you guys moving in and all the pretty you have done to that neighborhood with fixing your cottage so cute. Happy Easter.

  2. Good evening, Ron! Your gardens are beautiful--love the white blooms against the greenery of the foliage--they just pop! I'm with Kris--I know your neighbors are so glad you and J bought the cottage. It is such a gorgeous transformation from the look of the previous owners. Have a great evening! xoxo

  3. Wow I love the white theme. Very much in keeping with the cottage look! Is the landscape company that installed this going to do maintenance like trimming the hedge as it forms?

  4. I adore caladiums as well and always have them in my front porch planters. I just finished my planters for the porch and have caladiums, geraniums, dusty Miller, sweet potato vine and inpatients.

  5. I have begonias. They die back a little in late summer here in DFW but they bounce back in September. I love your formal beds in the front a fun contrast to your back yard.


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