
Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Mardi Gras {Revisited}

The ideas are spinning in my head as to how I will decorate for Mardi Gras this year in the new Acorn Cottage. It is always fun to do something new and different. Though the Mardi Gras season has begun, I have not begun decorating as many in my neighborhood have. Weather permitting, I will probably attempt the outside this coming weekend.

I thought it would be nice to share some of the Mardi Gras decor in the past at the house on Perrier.

Purple, Green, and Gold, y'all!


  1. Hi Ron,
    Love all your past decor for Mardi Gras and cannot wait to see what you do outside and inside the new cottage.

  2. Good morning, Ron! I, too, have always loved how you decorated the house on Perrier. It was always so stylishly done--nothing gaudy about your sense of style. Can't wait to see what you do with the Acorn Cottage! Have a great day! xoxo


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