
Monday, December 17, 2018

From our City to Yours {Star Struck and Hotel Hop}

One thing J and I love to do is being able to walk from our home to brunch on Saturday or Sunday. One of our most favorite destinations in La Petite Grocery. We usually dine at the bar feasting on the delicious LPG cheeseburger and fries and drinking a couple bloody Marys. This past Saturday there was a star sighting at LPG, and it was none other than Gwyneth Paltrow. It looks like she was in town for a wedding. J and I stalked her instagram stories. That is where we found these.....

I know she and her hubby had a grand time in our great City.

After lunch, we ubered to the Quarter for our annual "hotel hop" where we tour some of the lobbies of the hotels and have a drink or two along the way. Our favorite hotels are The Windsor Court, the Ritz-Carlton, and The Roosevelt. The lobbies are absolutely spectacular. We were also in awe of the gingerbread streetcar at the Ritz. I adore Hoda pictured in one of the windows of famous New Orleanians.

It was a fun day and a great way to celebrate the holiday season.

See more of my 2018 From Our Home to Yours posts:

Hotel Hop, y'all!


  1. How fun Ron. Wow about Paltrow being in town and loving the spots you and J love to frequent. Shows what great taste you all have.
    One thing my hubby Terry and I love to do at this time of year is go into Chicago and visit the different hotel lobby's. It is such a spectacular way to see some beautiful Christmas Decor. Having a drink at each of the hotel bars is fun too. Have a great Christmas Ron.

    1. I'd love to see Chicago at Christmas time too. How far are you from the city?

  2. Good morning, Ron! OMG, I would have been so excited to have seen Gwyneth! I'm cracking up that you and J stalked her Instagram! I'm sad that we didn't make it NOLA this season to see the beautiful decorations in the lobbies of the hotels. I so miss having our condo during this time of the year. That gingerbread street car is amazing--I hope Hoda has seen it! Have a great day! xoxo

  3. Oh what a wonderful way to spend your morning!!!! I will have to remember this location for a next visit there, sounds like a great place. We also love visiting hotels all decked out for the holidays and enjoying a drink. Love dong that in Atlanta while visiting my sister. We did did this in NYC and enjoyed a BM at the Ritz. It was so festive. Great pics Ron. Merry Christmas..........

  4. How fun Ron! You and J know how to live it up! Wishing you both a very Merry Christmas!!


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