
Monday, December 31, 2018

Best of 2018 {Most Viewed Posts}

I always love a great year in review, and I love to look back at the past year in the life of a blogger. 2018 was a banner year for me as I turned 50, married my best friend of 20 years, and bought, renovated, and moved into a new home. I am tired just thinking about all the goings on in 2018.

I hope you will revisit my top ten posts of 2018. You may click on each heading in order to revisit the post.

#10 Wedding Registry: Jeff & Ron (April 8)

Thanks for following and reading the Uptown Acorn. I appreciate the follows and comments on the blog, on facebook, and on instagram. The Acorn Cottage certainly was a popular topic this year, so I cannot wait to see what will be tops in 2019.

Check out:

Best of 2018, y'all!


  1. Getting married to your life long friend and companion and love of your life has to be the highlight of this past year Ron. My second favorite post of yours was the front of the new Cottage. That is such a stunning re love. I still love seeing the front of your home. Your neighbors much smile as big and you and J everytime they walk by or you come home to see the front of your sweet home. Happy New Year Ron. May 2019 bring you good health, happiness and lots of joy in each day. New adventures in travels for you too.

  2. Happy 2019 to you and Jeff! I wish you many wonderful things in the new year!

  3. Good morning, Ron, and Happy New Year to you and J! You had quite a year in 2018--lots of milestones! I love reading your blog and miss it when you skip a day or two. Here's to wishing you many more adventures in 2019! Cheers! xoxo

  4. Ron, it's been such a pleasure and treat to be along for the ride of your blog's past year. You've accomplished so much!! Happy New Year!


Thanks for reading and commenting @ The Uptown Acorn! I love hearing from you. Cheers, y'all!