
Sunday, November 11, 2018

Acorn Cottage {Open House}

Yesterday, J and I celebrated the Acorn Cottage by throwing an Open House with friends. Many of our close friends have not seen the completed cottage, so the open house was the perfect way to show it off. 

Our local Lagenstein's did the catering and Mitch's, the flowers. I especially loved the Acorn Cottage-inspired sugar cookies by local baker, Beth Biundo Sweets.

It was a perfect Fall day for an intimate soiree.

Open House, y'all!


  1. What fun and yummy looking bites and cookies!

  2. What a great way to share your lovely new cottage with friends. And, the perfect start to the holiday season.

  3. Well, I am just assuming that my invitation got lost in the mail!!!! lol I am so happy that you love your new home so much and that you had a great open house. LOVE those cookies!!!!
    I hope you have a wonderful week, Ron. xo Diana

  4. I love your style so much, Ron. Those cookies are the bomb. I'd slip one of those into my purse and hang out by the BM table. :)

  5. Good morning, Ron! I'm with Diana on this one--my invitation must have gotten lost in the mail, too! ;) Those cookies are adorable! I'm so happy that the weather cooperated for your Open House! Have a great day! xoxo


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