Monday, April 23, 2018

Orchids in Bloom

The orchids at Mitch's Flowers have been gorgeous lately, so I had to get in on the action. 

I delivered my Kiss that Frog planter to Mitch's a couple weeks ago, and it was filled with the most gorgeous colors of orchids for my spring time dining table. It does not get much better looking than this.

Now, I hope they last longer than usual. I am never a green thumb when it comes to growing orchids. I wish I'd figure out the secret.

Real flowers make me super happy!

Orchids in Bloom, y'all!


  1. So pretty Ron. And I hear ya on keeping them alive. But, the way I look at it...if they last a couple months it's still cheaper than a bouquet of flowers that may last a week.

  2. Good morning, Ron! Those orchids from Mitch's flowers are gorgeous and look great on the dining room table--very spring-like. Have a great day! xoxo

  3. Getting orchids to live and rebloom is much easier than you would think! Overwatering is the kiss of death for them. Once a week (be consistent about this) take the orchid pot out of the flower vase and soak in water with a little water soluble fertilizer. The orchid pot won’t have dirt in it, only a little mulch, but should have lots of drainage holes. Put that pot into a container that will hold water and fill it with the fertilized water solution. Set the timer for one hour. After one hour take the orchid pot out of the container and allow to drain completely. Then return to your vase arrangement. As a science teacher think of simulating an orchid in nature. A weekly soaking rain rehydrates the root system allowing them to absorb and hold the fertile water. If the roots stay wet, they will soften and rot. Never feed ice cubes. Where in nature do orchids grow where Ice is?
    The fertilized water should be a weak solution. I use 1tsp water soluble miracle grow to 1 gallon room temperature water. You can find orchid specific solutions but a balanced fertilizer will work fine.

    Once the blooms fall off don’t cut the stem! If it has enough bright but indirect light it will continue to bloom on the existing stem or sprout a new stem.
    Enjoy your orchids and don’t be afraid of them!

    1. Janet, thanks for the tip!!!! I needed the advice.

  4. My daughter is also a middle school and high school science teacher so I especially enjoy your teacher stories. 😊


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