
Monday, April 16, 2018

Flags Fly High

Flag poles and brackets were recently installed on my second floor balcony. I have been wanting to add various flags to the upper balcony for a while.

When I saw the New Orleans Tricentennial flag, I knew I just had to have it. New Orleans is celebrating its 300th birthday, and I love to show my love for this great City.

I also have been wanting the King Gator flag by local artist, Alexa Pulitzer. It was a perfect time to add one to my collection.

For the third flag, I added the blue fleur de lis flag. I do love how welcoming the three flags appear as they wave in the wind.

You can purchase each one by clicking below:

Fun Flags, y'all!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks. The 300th Anniversary one is a beauty.

  2. Those look great! I enjoyed Southern Charm New Orleans last night!

  3. Good morning, Ron! Love the flags! They look great fluttering in the wind! Have a great day! xoxo

  4. Hi Ron,
    The flags are so great. People are going to be stopping by your home and think it is a bed and breakfast place to stay. It is so charming from the outside. You have captured your love of your sweet city. Very nice. Happy New Week.


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