
Sunday, March 4, 2018

Happy 50th Month {March 3}

On the 3rd day of my birthday month, my school held its annual Gala in my honor (not really but the party was fun). Set to the theme of Decades of Musical Memories, J and I donned the costumes of 80s favorite duo, Wham! It was a fun night for all.

And to all a good night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

#thereal50, y'all!


  1. Love it! Held in my honor- Pahahaha!

  2. Love that you have a birthday month. My is September and is my excuse to claim what I want as a birthday gift.

  3. Good evening, Ron! I've been MIA the last few days. We were in BSL for the weekend--ANOTHER shower for Natalie and Zach! Looks the gala was a hoot! Coming to NOLA Friday and spending the night at the condo--we have ANOTHER shower on Saturday! Maybe, we can share a birthday toast at some point. Email me and let me know what plans you have. Have a great evening! Cheers! xoxo


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