
Tuesday, November 21, 2017

All Should Be This THANKFUL

Our school's long-standing tradition, the Thanksgiving Feast, is being held today in the school's gymnasium. I thought I'd share how the 7th grade incorporated our theme of the year for the month of November.

In the science lab windows, the Vineyard Vines-inspired whale dons a pilgrim hat and wears feathers designed by each 7th grade student. The feathers show in words or images what each student is thankful for in their own lives.

The students also donned Thanksgiving-inspired headwear. I am always proud of the 7th graders when they act silly for me.

Wow! Now, it is almost time to design the December windows. Where has time gone?

I am hoping you and yours have a Happy Thanksgiving!

THANKFUL, y'all!


  1. Your class is so fun and I am sure you are the most amazing teacher. How lucky these students are. Happy Thanksgiving

  2. Love this! Math and Science didn't come easy for me, but I had two wonderful teachers (8th grade and Chemistry/Physics) that made learning so enjoyable. I know your students will remember you for years to come with great fondness. I still remember Mr. Middleton challenging myself and my classmate (two fastest 8th graders at the time) to a race on the track. He gave us a head start and smoked us!!! Oh, and he was in his late 50s at the time.

  3. Good evening, Ron! Love what your students did to the whale and their Thanksgiving inspired headwear! I know those students love you! Have a Happy Thanksgiving! We will be at our condo on Thursday night and Friday. Maybe, we can hook up! Cheers! xoxo

  4. Happy Thanksgiving! I always enjoy the posts about your students. Memories are being made and can be retold to their own children. xoxo

  5. These peeps are so lucky to have you as their teacher. You make learning so much fun. Hope you and Jay have a great Thanksgiving and then we will all start the down hill slide into Christmas.
    Hugs Ron.


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