
Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Bevolo-style Gas Lanterns

Oh! How I wish we had gas lanterns on our porch on Perrier Street! They scream Southern to me. But, I guess I do have the next best thing, Bevolo-styled gas lanterns by the uber-talented Cynthia Kolls.

I purchased these two at Bevolo on Royal Street two years ago. I love to use them between seasons. They always seem to bring us the biggest compliments.

You want to own a pair? Contact Cynthia by way of her etsy shop. Click HERE.

Lighting the way, y'all!


  1. They are really great and perfect in-between seasons and holidays.

  2. Such a fun idea... low gas bill, too :)

  3. Good morning, Ron! I love these lantern door decorations! They are definitely perfect for the in-between seasons. Have a great day! xoxo


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