
Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Teachers Do Lunch

For 180 days, most of us eat with each other for 20 minutes. 20 minutes includes travel time, correcting misbehaviors, a blessing, and announcements. So it is so nice to meet in the summer and share conversation gossip over lunch and cocktails. 

Two hours later, all the worlds problems are solved. LOL!

Teachers Do Lunch, y'all!


  1. Good morning, Ron! How fun is that to gather with co-workers in a non-school setting! I know all of you laughed a lot and caught up on what all of you have been doing since school let out. Have a great day! xoxo P.S. I hope you ordered the LPG Cheeseburger!

  2. Twenty minutes for lunch translates into inhaling your food and going back to class. Teachers are some of the funniest and warmest people I have had the privilege of knowing. Glad you got together with your friends and had a proper visit. Fashionable ladies and you look sharp, Ron! xoxo

  3. YES to all of that! I love summer because I can eat so slow!!! You know the pain during the school year--trying to eat your whole lunch while also being able to talk to other adults f(or sometimes the only time during the day), and all in 20 minutes or less!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts


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