
Wednesday, April 12, 2017

What Makes Me Happy {Meet the Shaneyfelts}

Welcome to yet another week and the series, What Makes Me Happy. Sarah of Meet the Shaneyfelts is a "newish" blogger friend who is a true Southern girl. Here's Sarah!

Hey y'all!  I was so excited when Ron asked me to participate in his What Makes Me Happy series!  Who doesn't love happy things?!

Before I get started, I'm Sarah and I blog at Meet the Shaneyfelts where I blog about life as a wife and about all the things that I love--fashion, living healthy, cooking, name it!

These are just a few of the things that make me happy 😊

This picture is a 2 for 1 deal--first, my husband makes me incredibly happy, and second, I'm an Alabama girl through and through, so cotton fields in the fall make me happy!

Exercising makes me happy!  
(And it makes me feel really good about myself)  I used to run a lot and it feels good to get back to running each afternoon.
(Find me on IG @saraheshaneyfelt)

 The beach makes me happy!
Last summer we traveled to the Bahamas and it was everything I dreamed it could be.  Also, the Gulf beaches are the best in the world!

 Receiving fun surprises in the mail makes me happy!

A clean house makes me happy!

 I have a MAJOR sweet tooth, and cookie cake makes me so happy!  Especially if it has a lot of icing haha!

 Reading makes me happy!
I could stay in a book store or library FOR HOURS and never get bored.  Here I'm reading a cookbook--even those are interesting to me!

And saving the best for makes me SO happy!!  
If I weren't an English major, I would have been a fashion merchandising major.  I love clothes and how they hold special memories...think about a baby's coming home outfit, a wedding dress, a first date outfit.  And sometimes wearing the right outfit gives us a boost in self-esteem 😊

Thank you, Ron, for having me today!

The beach makes me happy too, Sarah! Thanks for sharing.

What Makes {Meet the Shaneyfelts} Happy, y'all!


  1. Love this series Ron, and being introduced to new bloggers.

    Sarah, I can so relate on the getting lost in the bookstore or library for hours. Especially the cookbook section ;-)

  2. It's nice to meet Sarah! I like many of the same things that she does except running. I wish I liked that because it's so good for you. It's nice to meet another southerner too!

  3. What a fun post...and you have met a great friend in Ron. He's a good ol' Sourthern boy that I have come to love....and he's witty....and a good cocktail maker. You are in good hands with him as a new friend. xo Diana

  4. Good evening, Ron! Hello, Sarah! I'm so with you about wanting to be in a library or bookstore--I'm an English major, too! I'm going to hop on over to your blog and sign up for your blog. Have a great evening! Cheers! xoxo

  5. Hello Sarah- nice to meet you! I have a big sweet tooth too and I agree that a good outfit can boost a person's self esteem! Thanks for sharing what makes you happy!

  6. I just love that you featured Sarah, she's one of my favorite bloggers ever!

    xoxo, SS

    Southern And Style


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