
Sunday, April 2, 2017

Painted the Town Green

Last night, J and I had a wonderful time at our annual school's gala at Generations Hall.

Set to the theme, Paint the Town Green, guests wore many shades of my favorite hue. My bow tie in crab print and pocket square in shrimp and martini print are both by NOLA Couture on Magazine Street. My jacket and pants are by Ralph Lauren POLO, of course.

J and I were picked up at home in style by a couple of my favorite parents. Yes! They own a stretch Hummer. It is not a rental. It was a total surprise.

The pre-party began at Swizzle Sticks, one of our favorite bars located in the Loew's Hotel.

After a couple cocktails, pedicabs pedaled us to Generations Hall. More eating, drinking, and dancing to the tunes of the Creole String Beans was fun for all. The LIVE auction of several class items was a hit. 

GALA fun...

Though our creations, Monsieur Baleine and Monsieur Crabe, were not part of the LIVE auction, I am happy to report each brought in $660.00 for a total of $1320.00.... pretty impressive!

After the gala, we ubered to the Rusty Nail and then home safely.

It was another enjoyable night. It is always fun to connect with folks outside of school.

Painted the Town Green, y'all!


  1. Looks like a fun, fun time. Our school never had such fun adult events. Saturday carnival was about it. '-) Congratulations on the wonderful price for the art donation.

  2. What a fun night!! Love all of the green! Perfect for this time of year!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  3. Good morning, Ron! You and J were sure dapper in your outfits for the gala! Looks like it was a success and a fun time! Have a great day! xoxo

  4. Wow it looks like you had a grand time! Stretch Hummer- how fun! The class art projects did well- congratulations!

  5. You do have the most fun of any of my blogging friends! Love the class projects and what a great way to raise money for your school.


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