
Sunday, April 16, 2017

HOPpy Easter, y'all!

Wishing you and yours a very Happy Easter!

Chateau Lapeyre

John David

Thanks for all the prayers and well wishes for our great friend, John Arnone.

J and Fr. Jaawwwn

An update from Fr. John's brother Chris:

********* UPDATE, 7:15 AM
John is awake and responded to his nurse. He moved his limbs upon her request and nodded that he was in a lot of pain. Keep the prayers coming!!!!
The Arnone family can't put into words how grateful we are for all of the love, prayers and support you have shown us. John is still in critical condition. The doctors have two major concerns, his liver is still in failure, and there is a possibility of brain damage due to low blood pressure, and coding 3 times but only time will tell. In the meantime his dialysis is working and his blood is thickening. His oxygen saturation levels are increasing, and he is on a feeding tube. His blood pressure is getting stronger. The doctors and nurses are feeling better about how he has progressed in the past 24 hours. These victories are baby steps but all of our updates have been positive, and we know John has the will to fight. His echocardiogram shows that his heart is very strong . Now onto the sappy part. The visits, calls, texts, hugs, cries, and offers to help have filled our hearts. We consider all of you family and that's how John wants it. He has touched so many lives in so many different ways. The stories over the past few days have been heart warming and hilarious. As he fights today please think of your favorite Fr. John story and keep praying for his safe recovery. Love, The Arnones
Our God works miracles!
HOPpy Easter, y'all!


  1. Happy Easter. All the best to Fr. John.

  2. Oh my gosh Ron I am so sorry to read this about your friend. I am keeping him in my prayers. Sounds like he is fighting hard to stay in his life. Hugs my friend.

  3. Sorry I just saw this today Ron. Offering up prayers on this special day for John. May you have a blessed Easter friend.

  4. Hi, found your blog via "Dixie Delights" and will absolutely keep your Friend in my prayers...Happy Easter!

  5. Oh Ron, I am so very sorry about Fr John. He will be in my nightly prayers and I pray for a speedy recovery.

    Hope that you had a Blessed Easter.


  6. My continued prayers for john. God bless.

  7. Prayed for him at Easter mass today.

  8. Happy Easter, Ron. I hope your friend improves with each new day.

  9. Good morning, Ron. I hope you had a great Easter. Those petunias at Colette's home are gorgeous. Continued prayers for Fr. John. Have a great day. xoxo

  10. Any update today on Fr. John's condition?

  11. Hello Ron; I am so very Sorry to hear about your Wonderful Friend
    Fr. John.
    I have given out his information. As of now,several Churches are Praying for his recovery, in FL.
    I wish that I could do more.


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