
Monday, April 3, 2017

FOOLed on April 3rd

Oops! They got me again!

 Several years of pranks by members of the class of 2015, and you would think I'd expect something. I guess I sort of let my guard down due to the fact that there was no school on April 1.

This morning when I arrived to my classroom, nothing looked out of place. I attended to my routines --- turning on my laptop, turning my keurig "on", and selecting my favorite Pandora station. I always do my grading and/or lesson planning in the early morning, so next I sat at my desk. As I sat down fully, my chair exploded with one of the loudest, piercing sounds I've heard. At first I thought it was the thunder from the severe storms that passed through Lakeview this morning, but the sound continued for a while.

To my amazement, an air can attached to the bottom of my desk was duct taped exactly at the point where my chair would hit it when I sat. WOW! This is an awesome prank. You got me good.

Thanks to Gifford, Erik, and Bennett for keeping the tradition alive.

Years past: click HERE 2016 and HERE 2015!

April Fools, y'all!


  1. That was an epic and good-natured prank, and I bet it made you jump a mile high out of your seat. They got you good ...what a fun tradition!

  2. You're a good sport. It shows how much your students like you, they feel comfortable to joke around.

  3. Priceless! You obviously taught them well.

  4. Oh, I love it! This just shows what an awesome teacher you are, Ron. Your students adore you!

  5. Good morning, Ron! That was an epic prank! It is obvious how much your students love you! Have a great day! xoxo

  6. Yay! Always loved good-natured pranks during my 33-year high school teaching career--as well as everything else about those years (except grading tons of English papers!). Great creative spirit in those boys and similar acceptance in your good-natured leadership!

  7. My favorite part of teaching! The building of relationships with the students. How awesome!!


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