
Wednesday, March 15, 2017

What Makes Me Happy {A La Carte}

Welcome to yet another installment in my weekly series, What Makes Me Happy. I am thinking of my friends in the Northeast. I hope you are able to thaw out from this cold weather. This week, let's see What Makes Linda Happy.

Hi I'm Linda from A La Carte.
I'm a big fan of Ron's blog, Uptown Acorn.  I lived in New Orleans many years ago and his blog brings back so many great memories.  His style and decorating are the best!  So I was really happy to be asked to join Ron in his series of What Makes Me Happy. 

 I have a long list of things that bring JOY to my life.  My family, especially my two Grands Tiger & Scout (and yes those are their real names).  I share about them often on my blog.
They are just as much fun as this photo suggests! 
Almost 2 (Scout) and her big brother almost 6 (Tiger), I am a lucky Grandma!

 I love cats and have new little girl Annie Belle.  
A very sweet kitty!

I am a collector of many things but love pottery! 
Pink pottery, McCoy & Roseville pottery are my current passions.

If someone asked me what is making me happy today, well I would have to tell them about my newest hobby, watercolor painting!
Self taught using YouTube videos and online classes.  I am having such a good time.  Not thinking of myself as an artist by any means, but as a form of artistic expression it suits me just fine!
If we keep learning new things we keep our minds sharp.  Important as we age I tell my 66 year old self!

Thank you Ron for a chance to meet your blog friends!  Wishing you all JOY and do something that makes you Happy today!


What Makes A La Carte Happy, y'all!


  1. What a fun post! I can't believe Scout is almost 2 already! Love the new kitty and collectibles! The water color painting looks like a success and that alone brings happiness! Thanks for another What Makes Me Happy post!

  2. Glad to "meet" a new to me blogger. Her grands are adorable!! And for someone who is self taught, very talented in the painting department.

  3. Good morning, Ron! I'm really enjoying this series--love "meeting" new bloggers! Linda is very talented for someone who has taught herself to paint. Maybe, I'll check this hobby out! Have a great day! xoxo

    1. Ron please tell Ginger thank you for me. She is a 'no reply' when I tried to email her!

  4. Love this series Ron. Linda is a sweetie. Love that she found that creative talent of painting within herself. Have a great week. Happy St. Patty's Day tomorrow.

  5. It's always nice to start the day reading about what makes people happy! Beautiful water colors! So nice to meet you over here, Linda! Have a great weekend!

  6. I love this! You have such blessings in your life, Linda!

  7. It's fun to get to know Linda a little more. Fabulous family pictures and her paintings. Water colors are so lovely. I keep saying I will learn to paint one day. I suppose I paint, but with my computer and mouse....


Thanks for reading and commenting @ The Uptown Acorn! I love hearing from you. Cheers, y'all!