
Wednesday, March 22, 2017

What Makes Me Happy {Cocktail Napkins}

Just this past weekend, J and I were relaxing on the Gulf Coast and visited some of my favorite shops. I can never resist the temptation addiction to pick up paper cocktail napkins. It does not dawn on me that my addiction is out of control until I open the large drawer in the piece where I keep all of my paper cocktail napkins. There are many, too many to count. After all, many are very inexpensive, so I never feel too bad picking up a set or two.

I have napkins for each season. I have many with sentiments, and many that are oh-so funny. And of course this Southern boy has many that are monogrammed.

I don't know if I'll ever use all of them, but J & I certainly use our share when entertaining or just sitting in the parlor sharing a cocktail or two. The napkin drawer is filled top to bottom, front to back, and side to side. Cheers!

You can see all of my What Makes Me Happy posts HERE

If you'd like to participate, please email me at I would be happy to hear "What Makes YOU Happy"!

Cocktail Napkins Make Me Happy, y'all!


  1. Cocktail napkins are certainly an inexpensive and easy way to add some fun to a party or just everyday life. I love how neatly you have them stored. I'm off to clean my napkin drawer! Have a wonderful day!

  2. What a fun addiction! You have a great collection going. I vote use them and save a couple from each package for the memories so you can buy more!

  3. Your collection is amazing and fun! I see some are works of art also! Enjoy them and those cocktails!!

  4. This inspires me to shop for more cocktail napkins! Love your collection!

  5. I love cocktail napkins too. My sister and I each have big collections also, and we love finding the right ones for a special occasion. Although, you have a better storage system than I do. This inspires me to find a drawer and tuck them away for the next event. Thanks for the idea.

  6. Good morning, Ron! Wow, you have quite a collection of cocktail napkins! Love your "addiction"! Have a great day! xoxo

  7. The cocktail napkins are like miniature pieces of art. Love the southern ones with the sayings. The things that make us smile don't necessarily have to be big and expensive. As list-maker/note-taker, I enjoy a new note pad with a cute design. xoxo

  8. Wow - you have even more than I do! I just can't resist picking them up when I see them. Homegoods usually has a cute supply but you can't beat the ones you can find in boutiques. A fun addiction...


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