
Friday, March 24, 2017

Anemones, Hydrangeas, and Peonies

I definitely prefer fresh flowers, but we all know they do not last for a very long time. I really like when I find realistic-looking silks. Though quality silks are more expensive, they do last for a very long time.

I scored some pretty blooms for the Spring arrangement on the central clock table in the stair parlor. The purple anemones and pink peonies are from Hazelnut on Magazine Street, and the purple hydrangeas are from Aubergine in Fairhope, AL. Though I am not a huge lover of pastels, I think these shades of spring are perfect.

The ceramic vase is also from Hazelnut {Kiss the Frog}.

Does it feel like spring where you are?

Spring blooms, y'all!


  1. Good afternoon, Ron! Those silk flowers look so real, and the arrangement is perfect for the stair parlor clock table--so "Springish"! Have a great day! xoxo

  2. I love your stairway, especially the numbered stairs. The flowers are perfect for that area.

  3. What a beautiful arrangement, Ron! The quality of silks these days is amazing!

  4. Those are gorgeous, Ron. Like you I like real flowers but the do not last long! I bought a few beautiful silks a few years back and they still look great. I think I need to dig them out of storage for Spring. Happy Spring to you...and a little pastel looks good in your home! xo Diana

  5. Beautiful flowers...and no changing the water and trimming the stems... Have a lovely weekend...xoxo

  6. They are beautiful, Ron. I rarely buy faux flowers, but admit that I have some yellow tulips that look real and this spring bought a little bouquet to put in the Courtly Check egg the little MacKenzie-Childs Easter chick is pulling. Sometimes it makes sense! ;-)


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