
Wednesday, January 25, 2017

What Makes Me Happy {Mardi Gras Ribbons}

Yes! Decorating for Mardi Gras makes me happy, and I was lucky to score these great ribbons from Dunn & Sonnier on Magazine Street this season.

The ribbons by d. stevens are the perfect compliment to my mantle decor and staircase.

The embroidered crown ribbon and purple bunting are original and uber fancy.

Fancy ribbons make me happy at any time of year but especially at Mardi Gras. I like to take the tacky out of the Gras.

What Makes Me Happy revisited:

NOLA Beans Diet Coke | Early Morning Silence | 

Next week, join me as Kris of Junk Chic Cottage guests and shares what makes her happy.

Ribbons make me happy, y'all!


  1. Wow! How beautiful! That is beautiful ribbon. I love the piece that is draped across the mantel too.

  2. The ribbon is beautiful. I can see why it makes you happy!

  3. Good morning, Ron! That ribbon and bunting are so classy and beautiful--nothing tacky about those! You always find the perfect ribbons and accents to decorate your home. Have a great day! xoxo

  4. What pretty ribbon. I'm sure you take the tacky out of everything you touch.

  5. Those ribbons make me happy too. I just may have to call up and order some.


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