
Thursday, January 12, 2017

#throwbackthursday {On Being Southern}

This was an original post from my first month of blogging in January 2012, hence #tbt. I had a lot less followers and readers, so I thought it would be fun to revisit the post, On Being Southern.

     Being Southern means many different things to many different folks. What does "Being Southern" mean to you?

     Do you say "y'all" ?

Hey y'all

     Do you drink sweet tea?

Sweet Tea

     And do you end your sentences with "Bless your heart" ?

     To me "Being Southern" is a state of mind and a sign of actions.

     Being Southern means slowing down, rocking on your front porch, and saying "how ya do" as neighbors and strangers pass by.

     Being Southern means always caring about the smallest of details--- fine invitations, place cards, guest favors, and great parties.

Fine invitations

Place cards

     Being Southern means having good manners, using them often, and being hospitable. Southerners say, "yes ma'am & no ma'am... yes sir & no sir".

Emily Post's Etiquette

     Being Southern means looking forward to happy hours. Sharing a cocktail or three---mint juleps, sazeracs, old-fashioneds, hurricanes, or Ramos gin fizzes---with great friends is something we always have time for and look forward to.

Mint Julep


Pat O's Hurricane

Ramos Gin Fizz

     Being Southern is enjoying a wonderful meal, whether it be a box of crispy fried chicken or a fine Southern dish (spicy, of course!).

Popeye's Famous Fried Chicken

Upperline's famous Cane River Shrimp & Grits

     And all Southerners understand the importance of maintaining a certain joie de vivre. We never take ourselves too seriously.

     From bow ties and seersucker to oak-lined coasts and daily newspapers, Being Southern means lots of different things to all types of folks.

     Being Southern and maintaining Southern values and traditions are very important to me.

     What does Being Southern mean to you? Let me know!

On Being Southern, y'all!


  1. I am a true southerner since I was born and raised in the south by southern parents. All I've ever known is the southern way. I remember saying something to my boss (from up north) many years ago. He asked me to repeat what I said and he laughed. He said that was a "southern" term. I never gave it any thought because that was all I had ever called it. It wasn't until I was older that I ever saw the difference between different regions. I'm proud to be a southerner! I think I'm lucky to have grown up with southern hospitality, beautiful homes, manners, and good cooking. That's what being southern means to me.

    1. I never knew you worked. Interesting, Kelly.

  2. Good evening, Ron! I remember and love your first post. We are all so Southern! Cheers! Have a great evening!����������

  3. I was also raised in the south. Good Manners, Being Friendly, Helping Others and Caring are some of the traits I think are most important.

  4. Beautifully stated Ron! Southerners will always make one feel at home. They will always go in for the hug..not the handshake! I LUV THE SOUTH! Y'all know what I mean!! Loved this post today!

  5. awww, bless your heart...this is such a fine, Southern post...
    I have all the traits of a Southerner...however, I was born in Dallas, all my folks are from deep East Texas and talk so slow, you can hardly wait til they get it all out...I've never taken myself seriously for even a minute...I believe in yes, ma'am and no, ma'm...the word SERIOUS is never included in my decorating...I love sweet tea and UNsweet Southern cornbread..and I love sittin' on a porch or patio but never want life to pass me by....

  6. Hi Ron,
    Being a northern girl I have to say when I have visited down in the southern states the hospitality was fabulous. Good food, good manners and just plain down to earth peeps. You southerner's know how to make us Northerner's feel right at home when we visit. You are a true southern gentleman Ron. Great post.

  7. I guess I didn't know you yet, way back when, so I have not seen this. I think you should give some thought to compiling a nice book with some of your great posts and photos about entertaining and generally enjoying the good life.

  8. I remember reading your posts when you first started blogging, Ron. This was a fun one---Love my Suthners'- nothing in the world like Southern Hospitality.
    Hope y'all have a wonderful weekend down thar! xo Diana

  9. I was born and raised in Macon, Georgia, then moved to New Orleans when I was 22, where I lived for the next 18 years. In 2001, we moved to my husband's home town in Ohio. Our daughter, Sally, was in 3rd grade. Her cousin was doing a family heritage project and asked Sally if she was part French or English or German. Sally replied, "I'm not part anything; I'm all Southern!" One of my proudest moments ever! Bless her heart!

  10. I'm a Southerner through and through and proud of it. Thanks for such a great post, Ron!


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