
Monday, January 2, 2017

Heaux. Heaux. Heaux. {Bye, Felicia!}

These boxes in my master bedroom prove that Christmas on Perrier Street is officially over. The boxes will be moved to the third floor loft and attic tomorrow. We are too pooped to continue.

The worse part is carrying them up a spiral staircase. Who built this house?

Thanks to all of you who followed and commented on my 2016 Heaux. Heaux. Heaux. posts. J & I had a grand Christmas season.

Happy New Year.

See more from Heaux. Heaux. Heaux. posts:

Wrapped Up | Jingle, Mingle, & Mix | Perrier Facade | Chateau Lapeyre | Dusk | Come on in... | Mantle | Parlor | Stair Parlor


  1. Good evening, Ron! I would be pooped, too, if I had to pack up all of your decorations. Your home was truly beautiful this past Christmas season. I always look forward to seeing how you change things up from Christmas to Christmas. Next up, Mardi Gras! Have a great evening! Cheers! xoxo

  2. It was a wonderful Christmas season. Spiral stairs..I would never make it!

  3. Loved seeing everything! Hope is was all as magical and merry as it was beautiful!

  4. Oh my goodness, a spiral staircase...what were they thinking (or not)? Since we all enjoyed your holiday decor so much, it would be only right that we all help with putting it away. Oh wait, you've already done that! xoxo

  5. Oh my word...cannot even begin to imagine carrying all of those up that staircase. I am exhausted just thinking about it. LOL So enjoyed all of your Heaux Heaux Heaux posts!! Looking forward to Mardi Gras.

  6. Thank you so much for sharing, Ron. Loved your Heaux, Heaux, Heaux posts!!!

  7. Oh Ron!!! yep you need a good nights sleep before attempting the moving of all the boxes up those stairs. Loved all your Heaux Heaux Heaux posts. Glad you and J had a great Christmas. I enjoyed seeing all your beautiful decor posts. Now onto the new year. May 2017 bring you great health, happiness and lots and lots of inspiring ideas throughout the year.

  8. You are fast! mine are all still up and luckily their stored in the garage or basement! Nice to have a 'clean' house again, ready for another round of decorations!


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