
Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Happy (Uh Huh) New Year

January 4... back to school after a joyous, relaxing (and warm) Christmas break.

No matter how long I teach, I think the going back to work gets harder and harder. I need a nap!

Fun with my students "Ringing in 2017":

Has your Christmas break ended? Are your loved ones back at school/ work?

Happy School Year, y'all!


  1. Our kids go back tomorrow. I have been enjoying sleeping in so it will be challenging to wake up early again. Love the cute 2017 party items. I'm looking forward to a good year.

  2. Yep- All the grands are back in school and I am on pick up duty a couple days a week. Love it-but look forward to the breaks like you do.
    Fun shots of "your" kids- xo Diana

  3. Good evening, Ron! I'm sure your students loved the 2017 party items! Hope that you going back to school was a smooth one! Don't worry--Martin Luther King holiday is right around the corner! Have a great evening! Cheers! xoxo

  4. We teachers went back for a PD day yesterday and our students return today. I'm actually excited to see them again, but do wish for a bit longer in the warm bed before I have to go out to our below zero wind chills here in Ohio!

  5. Cute 2017 party items! It's difficult to get up and at 'em after the holiday break. MLK Day is not far ahead tho... xoxo

  6. Ron, I bet your students love's obvious that you make learning fun! I am fairly new to your site, but love it! Have a great Carnival season...I am looking forward to your Mardi Gras posts!

    Rita Harris
    Shreveport, LA

  7. Looks like you have a fun classroom!

  8. Coolest New Year greeting ever!~ Your students must be crazy about you Ron!


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