
Sunday, January 1, 2017

Happy New Year's Day 2017

I started this blog on January 1, 2012, so it is my 5th year anniversary in blog world. Thanks to all of you for following and reading my myriad of posts. 

Happy New Year to you and yours. May your year be filled with love, peace, happiness, and health.

Last night, we enjoyed another festive New Year's Eve at Commander's Palace. We have been ringing in the New Year's there for the past few years, and it is a blast.

We enjoyed celebrating with Monique, Heidi, and Annette (all from my hometown, Thibodaux).

Happy New Years, y'all!


  1. Happy New Year! Meilleurs voeux pour une bonne année! Sheila

  2. Bonne Année, Ron! Looks like last night was a great way to bring in the new year! Looking forward to many more posts from the Uptown Acorn in 2017! Cheers to you and J! xoxo

  3. Wow, you look dapper! The 2017 sparkly specks are great, and you are enjoying my favorite champagne. Happy New Year, Ron!

  4. Happy Blogiversaey!! And Happy New Year.

  5. What a wonderful New Year's Celebration! Big congrats on 5 years of blogging. I enjoy your blog very much so keep on keeping on!!

  6. Happy New Year and congrats on your blog anniversary! Time flies when you're having fun!

  7. Happy 5th Blogiversary! You do indeed, look very dapper!

  8. Happy New Year & Blogaversary! Great photos and fun times ~


  9. Cheers to you too. All the best in 2017.

  10. You and J certainly look festive with that fancy Champagne! I am sure Commander's was much fun. I recognize the actor from Mad Men and his book -- cool. Happy New Year!

  11. happy new year!!! and happy blog anniversary! i love your blog! i always get the most fabulous design inspiration from you! love your hermes belt! you and your partner sure make a good looking, dapper and well dressed couple!!! cheers!!

  12. Looks like it was a wonderful evening! You sure look great. Happy new year and here's to a GREAT 2017!!!!

  13. Belated Happy Blogiversary! What a fun New years and you both look dashing! Love your checked pants!


Thanks for reading and commenting @ The Uptown Acorn! I love hearing from you. Cheers, y'all!