
Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Giving Thanks for ... {My Work Anniversary}

November 15, 2010, a day I will always remember fondly as my very first day of teaching in a private school environment, St. Paul's Episcopal School, Lakeview.

I remember the day like yesterday. I was nervous yet excited to see what the new job entailed. I cannot believe that 7 years have flown by so fast.

I had resigned a couple weeks earlier from an awful job at a public charter school. I was too old for all of the foolishness that accompanies public education today - reports, reports, data, data, and more data. I was fortunate and somewhat lucky to have found St. Paul's. 

I have made many friendships here over the past 7 years and met many delightful students and parents.

Lord, I am fortunate to be here!

You can view more of my Giving Thanks series all November:

Thanks for 7 years, y'all!


  1. I think my niece went to school there prior to Katrina, so I guess that was before your time! At any rate, it looks like you enjoy your job, and that is everything.

    1. It has changed in population since Katrina, numbers are less.

  2. Happy Workiversary, Ron!

  3. Good morning, Ron, and happy workiversary to you! I remember when you got the job at St. Paul's. That school and the students are lucky to have found you! I know you make a huge impact on all. Have a great day! xoxo

  4. Congratulations on your anniversary! It is truly a blessing to be able to work in a place that you enjoy. And you, my dear, are a blessing for all the students you teach.

  5. Hi Ron. Congrats on your anniversary. You are really blessed to be in that school where you are sooo appreciated and have wonderful colleagues and parents and students. Working takes up the majority of our days so it is nice to be where you are happy. I just love all the pictures. Your post shows today how much fun you are. Loved this made me smile this morning. Happy Wednesday.

  6. You are so lucky to love your job!! Great memories.

    1. Yes, I am! We have issues, but what job does not!

  7. You NOLA teachers know how to have a good time. Love seeing all these fun loving, happy teachers. I taught in public school for 30 years, but tutored in a private school for many years after retiring. I was very fortunate in both settings with fond memories of students, parents, and staff. Some of my closest friends are those with whom I taught through the years. All the best to you for how ever many more years you plan to teach. Lucky students!

  8. Ron, congrats on your work anniversary. Sounds and looks like you are quite at home and happy with your job. Smiling faces and fellow teachers all seem very happy. Your students are lucky to have you.

  9. Happy Anniversary. Looks like you all are having a terrific time.

    Happy Thanksgiving.



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