
Saturday, October 15, 2016

Is it really Fall, y'all?

90 degrees in NOLA today. Really??? This sign on Magazine Street says it best.

I am so ready for Fall weather.

A Suggestion, y'all!


  1. Good morning, Ron! I am so ready for fall, too! The meteorologist on Channel 6 said we are going to have a REAL COLD front at the end of this week--lows in the 50's and highs in the 70's! We shall see! Have a great day! xoxo

  2. Oh you are so right. Same for living in Florida.

  3. Oh I am with you. It was 93 here yesterday.

  4. Here in Virginia it is hovering around the 70-80 range. I need for to be in the 50-60 range to get into the spirit. Luckily we have the foilage changing along the Blue Ridge Parkway.

  5. Wow you really need to visit Chicago. It is only in the 60's here which is actually kind of warm for us.
    Happy New Week Ron.

  6. I agree! It's feeling the same in GA. The mornings have been chilly but it quickly warms up and you must put on shorts to get through the day. I love the ease of summer dressing, so I don't mind that but it's hard to get in the spirit of Fall with the weather being so warm. We are just starting to see some Fall color outside though, so I think it's trying to signal Fall!

  7. We got Fall here, darlin'. Come on up! xo Diana

  8. Fall is just a suggestion in a lot of places...we are expecting low 80's here in Central Indiana...

  9. I think this is true in Alabama, too! Thanks for the laugh!


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