
Monday, August 1, 2016

Say It Isn't So.

August 1. Where did this summer go?

I woke up and checked Facebook (bad idea). I cannot believe the number of kids starting school today, August 1. I remember as a kid going on family vacations in August. I even remember as a young teacher going on "last blast" vacations in mid-August. In my opinion, school starts way too soon. Lucky, I do not start until August 15, but I am already experiencing heart palpitations. The anxiety never gets easier.

I will definitely be making the most of my last two weeks of summer vacay.

August 1, y'all!


  1. Yes, school does start early down there. In New Jersey we have always started back after Labor Day so my kids still have another month. Even with that - it seems to be flying by. Enjoy your last couple of weeks!

  2. It is crazy!!! Rockdale County went back last week, Cobb this week. Fulton, Gwinnett, Dekalb and most of metro a week from today. My baby girl reports back tomorrow!!! However, she's been in the gym all summer for cheer and weight training. IMHO, school should NOT start back until AFTER Labor Day and end the 2nd week of June!!! Enjoy your last few weeks.

  3. I TRULY understand about heart palpitations and the end of summer anxiety that many of us teachers experience. Today was the first day of school here at the school that I teach at in Indianapolis, Indiana. Although this marks my twenty-fifth year as a teacher, I still feel the anxiety as our Summer Vacation draws to an end each year. I also experience a sleepless night the night before the first day of school. Enjoy your last two weeks of Summer Vacation for all of us who have already begun a new school year. Have a wonderful school year when you begin!

  4. School does seem to start earlier and earlier. When we were kids we did not start until after Labor Day so we had the whole month of August too. Enjoy your last few weeks of freedom.

  5. I agree with you! August is too early to start back to school. I remember going back after Labor Day. The Jerry Lewis telethon marked the last weekend before school starting back. My son goes back to school this Thursday!

  6. I started today!! I completely agree with you -- school starts WAY too early!! Hope you enjoy your last little bit of break. Drink a couple cocktails for me :).

  7. I think that's sad. We start the day after Labor Day. That way that holiday can be taken advantage of. Of course our schools don't let out until around June 7-10.

  8. Good morning, Ron. Yes, school starts way too soon--it seems like it starts earlier every year. I remember starting school after Labor Day. I hear you about the heart palpitations. I still have "back-to-school nightmares," and I haven't taught in 10 years! Enjoy the rest of your summer vacation! xoxo

  9. Yes...they start too early. when I was teaching in public high school it was usually the last week of august...then the winters caused too many missed days and in order to graduate by the end of May the school system had to move up the start date...seems they did it every year, just in case of snow and ice. year we missed six weeks of school for ice, ice, ice, and we had school six days a week. Uggg. But I feel your pain...first day of school. I still have the feeling I need to go out and buy "school supplies." now I do it for a sixth grade granddaughter. win win. lets me shop for school supplies, saves her parents money. ha. Get those lesson plans ready! :-)


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