
Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Margarita Go

Have you heard of the latest craze, Pokemon Go? Unless you have been living under a rock, I bet you heard about the latest and "greatest" app. Kids and young adults are out everywhere searching for things that I cannot pronounce or even care to spell. At least the kids are off the couch until this latest craze dies.

For now, let's play Margarita Go! That's more of my kind of game this summer.

Go, y'all!


  1. Apparently, I have been hiding under a rock. Like your version much better!!!

  2. Lol!! They were just playing that on Good Morning America today! Your game sounds like more fun!

  3. Love it! Yes, I have heard of the game app. I love your idea better! Cheers!

  4. Good morning, Ron! That Pokemon Go app has been downloaded over 7 million times in less than a week, according to the news this morning. Did you see the story about the girl who found a dead body on one of her hunts for a Pokemon? Freaky. I like your game much better! Have a great day! Cheers! xoxo


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