
Tuesday, March 1, 2016

My Springtime Addiction

I guess if I was addicted to "crack" it better taste like this....

I cannot pass up Reese's Peanut Butter eggs at this time of the year. Why oh why do they taste so good?

I love regular peanut butter cups, but I really, really love the eggs.

What's your springtime addiction?

Reese's eggs, y'all!


  1. Ron there is something about the eggs that are so much better then the cups!

  2. Well, I have been eating peanut butter eggs with chocolate too. I so join your addiction. xo

  3. I love them too,but can not have them in the house since my 2 year old is allergic to peanuts...So when I get a chsnce when he is not around I get one or two..

  4. I agree 110%! The eggs are the BEST. They even smell better!!!

  5. I'm with you on this addiction! But the crazy thing is, I do not care for Reese's peanut butter cups. I can not get enough of the mini peanut butter eggs and the white chocolate ones have taken first place!

  6. Good morning, Ron! I'm right with you with those peanut butter eggs! I have always loved anything that is made with peanut butter and chocolate. Have a great day! xoxo

  7. I totally agree with you! I love the regular cups too, but there is something extra delicious about them in egg form. I can't buy a bag or I would eat them all in one sitting.


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