
Friday, February 19, 2016

Why I'm So Busy...

Science Olympiad. 23 science-related events in one day. Preparation is a nightmare, and it is a month earlier than usual. Here's how my classroom looks this week.

Tomorrow, I'll be spending the day at my alma mater Nicholls State University for the Regional Science Olympiad tournament.

I admit it. I too am a science nerd and have been for most of my life. LOL!

I'll definitely be more "normal" next week. Normal? Whatever that is, right? Until then, bottle rockets, scramblers, wind machines, and more......

Science Olympiad, y'all!


  1. Oh wow you really are busy! Thumbs up for a fun and successful day at the Science Olympiad!

  2. Good morning, Ron! Good luck at Science Olympiad today! Your students always do so well, so I'm sure this year will be no different! Have a great day! xoxo

  3. That is a busy time for you. Good Luck to you and your students!


  4. Time well spent. Maybe one of your students will someday discover a cure for (fill in the blank) and you'll be so glad you put your blog on hold for a while. - Wow. That's a big, heavy thought!!!

    Good luck to you and your students!

  5. Have fun and all the best for success. Cheering for you!

  6. Busy, but in a good way. Sounds right up your alley, mine, not so much ;-)

  7. Oh wow, I love science too, sounds like tons of fun.

  8. Good luck! I hope the State doesn't shut Nicholls State down in the middle of the Olympiad! (Sorry -- I just couldn't resist.)

  9. Good for you. Staying busy is a good thing, especially something you love. Your blog will still be here. xo

  10. Teaching rocks! And when kids know that you love science they will be more interested. Sheila

  11. I'm an educator too, so I love things like Science Olympiad. I was a business/computer teacher. Good luck and make it fun!!


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