
Friday, January 29, 2016

Honey is 7-0 !

Join me in wishing my mother, Honey, a very ...
Happy 70th Birthday.

J & I look forward to celebrating with you this weekend.

Love you so much, Honey!

Honey's 70, y'all !


  1. Good morning, Ron! Happy Birthday to Honey! Enjoy celebrating her birthday this weekend! I'm sure you will do it in style! Cheers! xoxo

  2. She's a Gem Ron! Wishing her a very Happy Birthday!! Woohoo 70- looking good!!

  3. Happy Birthday to your sweet mama! It looks like she will be spoiled by her kids on her special day (as she should be). 70 is a big birthday!

  4. Happy Birthday, Honey! Have a wonderful celebration!

  5. Happy 70th Birthday Honey and many more! God Bless.

  6. Happy 70th Birthday to Honey! Enjoy the weekend celebrating her. I can see where you get your eyes from!!

  7. Trying to get a few blog visits in here when I can, Ron. I know I am pretty much MIA!
    Happy Happy Birthday to your sweet Honey. I know you adore her and she is such a vital part of your life. You can tell she is a lot of fun just by looking at her. What a blessing in your life---and you in hers (and you can tell her I said that!!!!) xo Diana

  8. Happy, happy birthday to Honey! Enjoy all the celebrating!

  9. A big Happy Birthday to Honey... She looks wonderful!!! Have fun!!


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