
Friday, August 14, 2015

PotPourri {Santa Maria Nouvella}

I have loved Santa Maria Nouvella products for a long time. I recently purchased a bag of the potpourri during my July trip to Seattle's Watson Kennedy.

I love to put the potpourri in small plates and containers around the house. The smell is unusual and intoxicating.

The potpourri is made from a secret formula using a blend of herbs & flowers, all grown without pesticides in the Florentine hills exclusively for Santa Maria Novella. Each batch is collected by hand, soaked in essence in centuries-old earthenware jars which are sealed with wax, then aged for several months, then carefully packaged as it has been for centuries. 

If you have not tried the potpourri before, I would suggest that you order some pronto.

Santa Maria Nouvella, y'all! 


  1. Sounds wonderful Ron. I will try some for sure. Have a great weekend. xo

  2. Ooh it sounds delightful Ron! I love treats like this. :-)

  3. Good morning, Ron, from Bay St. Louis! I'm going to have to check out that potpourri! Have a great day! xoxo

  4. I haven't bought potpourri in years but want to try this! Thanks!!!

  5. I love potpourri! I haven't had any in a while. I grew up having it in my house since my mom loves it. I haven't heard of this brand. It sounds wonderful. Wish I could smell it through the computer!

  6. It's one of my favorites! Just got a new bag.. it lasts so long too!


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