
Sunday, August 9, 2015

Back to School

After a great summer, I return to school tomorrow. Our students show up on Thursday. Three days of long and boring meetings going through handbooks, schedules, etc. I never understand so much time spent on useless information.

As I am sitting in the parlor typing this (tears fall from my eyes), J loves to read aloud our summer diary reminding me of all the great things that happened during my vacation. Yes! I am quite fortunate to be able to stay home and travel during the summer, but it does not make going back any easier.

I had a great summer....

in Grand Isle.

purchasing a new ride.

in Perdido Key, FL.

doing lunch with co-workers.

celebrating BFF Paige's 30th birthday at Galatoire's.

traveling to Seattle, WA.

traveling to Portland, OR.

traveling to Palm Springs, CA.

walking Rodeo Drive and eating at Villa Blanca in Beverly Hills, CA.

It is hard to believe that all this FUN now comes to an end as I set my alarm clock for the first time this summer. Oh well. Life goes on....

Cheers to summer 2015, y'all!


  1. I'm right there with you, Ron. I also go back to school tomorrow and I'm not crying but I feel like it. It is wonderful to have two months of freedom but boy-oh-boy is is hard to go back to "regular" life.

    I hope you have a great school year!

  2. Wishing you a wonderful school year, Ron!! Looks like it was a spectacular summer!! Our kiddos came last Monday...I forgot how exhausting the first week is. Hope you have a great one!

  3. Ron..I feel your pain. I have to go back tomorrow too. I could cry a river. You did have an amazing summer.

  4. Too early!!! Elie's students arrive bright and early tmrw!!! This summer flew by faster than any I have known this far.

  5. You did have quite the fabulous summer. Sorry it has come to an end.

  6. I feel for you! My stomach would always be in knots when school started again each fall (summer, really). I loved being in my classroom, but it is far more stressful than people realize. You are responsible for those young lives! But think about the great opportunity you'll have this year to influence and help those students! I still remember my 6th grade science teacher as one of my favorites!
    And on top of that, it isn't like you sat home and cleaned out the junk drawer all summer. You managed to pack a lifetime of fun (for many people) into a few weeks.
    And there's always Christmas break right around the corner . . .

  7. Well- I have a way for you to be ready to go back to school! Have nothing to do all summer so you're bored stiff and can't wait to get back! :-)
    You simply had too much fun! Best wishes that you'll be back in the grove in no time!

  8. Good morning, Ron! You did have a whirlwind of a summer. I feel your pain, though--it's never easy going back to school. Have a great day! xoxo

  9. I loved traveling with you thru your posts this summer. How quickly the time went by.

  10. You had a wonderful summer Ron!! We still have another 4 weeks left but it's going by way to fast!! We leave for Disney next week:-) Wishing you an awesome school year!


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