
Sunday, May 31, 2015

Summer Sundays

Teachers know exactly what I mean. Summer Sundays are the absolute best. Aren't they?

Knowing that you do not have to set an alarm clock to wake up at a certain time tomorrow morning is the best.

J & I celebrated our first Summer Sunday with drinks and pizza at Theo's on Magazine Street then a great dose of parlor patter.

It is a great feeling.

I hope you had a great weekend. I'll share more of my weekend with you tomorrow, but for now I am enjoying this first Sunday of my summer.

Summer Sundays, y'all!


  1. Hi Ron,
    Enjoy not getting up early and having to go to school tomorrow morning. You deserve a whole summer of Sunday Nights. Enjoy.

  2. I remember when I taught (now stay-at-home mom) and yes, summer Sundays are the best!!! Enjoy your well-deserved summer :)

  3. Cheers to your summer! We still have a couple weeks to go here.


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