
Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Entomology 101


Any idea what this strange looking insect is called?

click beetle

This insect was found by my principal, and of course, he ran straight to the science teacher’s classroom. I had no clue, so I asked a couple of my students to refer to the Insect Field Guide for answers. Don’t you have a field guide handy too? We have one due to the fact that our Science Olympiad team competes in Entomology (the study of insects). Our Entomology team placed first at Regionals and third in the State. They know their bugs.

Any guesses??? Leave me a comment.

Eyed Elater (Alaus oculatus) 1

I’ll share the name tomorrow. I thought it would be funny to hear your guesses.

I am happy to report only EIGHT days to geaux.


Bugs, y’all!


  1. I knew it was a beetle as soon as I looked at it. I cheated and found the name on the internet. I'll only quote the scentific name- Alaus oculatus :-) I guess it's good for eating insects so keep it around!

  2. Good morning! That "not so pretty" bug is an eyed elater click beetle. I found one a few months ago & had to refer to my Golden Nature Insect Guide, love all those books! Hope you have a wonderful day & keep on your count down, I know you're excited for a break.

  3. Very interesting beetle. It is called the Eastern-Eyed Click Beetle, is a species of click beetle belonging to the family Elateridae. Congrats on your countdown.

  4. Good afternoon, Ron! That is an Eastern-Eyed Click Beetle, also known as the large eyed click beetle. ;) Have a great evening! Cheers! xoxo

  5. I asked my son (7th grade) and he wasn't sure. It looks like it's in the beetle family to me.

  6. Hi Ron,
    It looks like some kind of beetle with interesting markings. I will be interested to see what this bug is tomorrow. Hope your students could figure it out.

  7. Not sure of the name, but in my house it would be called "dead"! I.Hate.All.Bugs! Ewwww!

  8. It's a Cajun, big eyed, chalk paint splattered beetle ;) Kidding of course - I see all the other responses so figured I'd just get funny...

  9. We have this insect here in South Carolina and I believe it is an eyed click beetle.

  10. In Pointe Coupee Parish we call them "tock bugs" :)


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