
Wednesday, February 11, 2015

It’s Carnival Time {What’s Growing on our Trees?}


There's a special species of tree that blooms after Carnival season in New Orleans. Have you seen any Mardi Gras trees around?

bead tree

I just love this season, and the beads in crepe myrtles or other trees make the season bright. Only in good ole New Orleans can a tree be made into a masterpiece of color and texture.

bead tree2

bead tree3

bead tree9

bead tree4

bead tree6

bead tree5

bead tree7

bead tree8

And how does your garden grow?

Also, do not forget your necessities when traveling to the parade route.


Bead Trees, y’all!


  1. Love the bead trees! It's a new thing since I lived there many many years ago!

  2. Awesome! Ron, I just love seeing your Mardi Gras posts! I so miss living in Louisiana. Hubby and I have been contemplating a move back. We'll see!

  3. What fun and so pretty, but all I can think about is what a pain to take down after Mardi Gras.

  4. That's so cool!! I would love to throw those beads into the trees! They turn out beautifully.

  5. Good evening, Ron! Just getting to the blog. Love the bead trees--so unique and festive, but I'm with Babs R, what pain to take down! I know you are going to Nyx tonight--I hope you score lots of purses! Have a great evening! Cheers! xoxo

  6. Wow that's crazy! Ya'll really go to town there! It must be a big job cleaning all this up afterwards! You are having too much fun! The guy with the wagon ensemble is too funny!


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