
Monday, January 12, 2015

Weekend Musings {January 10-11}


I adore a relaxing weekend, and by relaxing I mean one that is free of any major commitments. This was certainly one of those weekends.

I hung my new picture light over the Carol Hallock painting in the parlor. I love the look at nightfall.

Weekend Musing January 10, 2015

It is from Lamps Plus {House of Troy}. It is LED, battery-powered, so I will see how well it maintains light.

J & I hauled the Mardi Gras bins down from the 3rd floor (that in itself is WORK) and decorated the facade and inside of our home. We love to pull out the “treasures” and reminisce as to where each was acquired. I have started a new collection this year, so more on that later.


Saturday evening, we dined with a co-worker of Jeff’s and his wife at Upperline. By now, you know Upperline is our favorite restaurant in the city.


We even ran into some good friends who were also dining there.


We finished off the weekend by sharing a cocktail in the parlor and watching some of the Golden Globe awards show. As usual, I do not watch many of the winning shows. Some, I have never even heard of either.


I am anxiously awaiting Kathy Griffin’s lead on tonight’s Fashion Police. Though she can never fill Joan’s shoes, I do think she is the perfect choice.

How was your weekend?

Musings, y’all!


  1. I know…we hadn't seen many of the shows/movies either. But it gives us good ideas. Christmas and THEN Mardi Gras…lots of decorating!

  2. Sounds like a lovely weekend! I too am looking forward to Kathy Griffin on fashion police!

  3. I love, love that painting! It is stunning. I am glad you had a great weekend. I love the last pic too. Great shot. xo, Anna, VT

  4. Your Mardi Gras decorations look so pretty! I watched some of the Golden Globe awards and enjoyed it. I was disappointed that Claire Danes didn't win for Homeland. I love that show on Showtime. I do watch The Affair and it did have several wins. It comes on right after Homeland so I got hooked on it. I didn't watch Kathy Griffin's show about the fashion but love watching her in general. She is SO funny!

  5. Good morning, Ron! I, too, don't watch many of the shows that won Golden Globes. Love the facade of your home and am anxiously awaiting the tours of the inside. Have to put Upperline at the front of my restaurant list! Have a great day! xoxo

  6. All festive for Mardi Gras! We're involved in a bit of a "home improvement project," so I'm lagging behind with the seasonal decor.

  7. A relaxing weekend is always nice. Can't wait to hear about your new collection. I too am not a huge fan of the award shows.


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